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Cultural Relativity and Globalization

Going into this last blog post, I again don’t have a clue what Cultural Relativity and Globalization is about and how it related to technology ethics. After browsing the internet to find articles I can say that I am more familiarized. Khan Academy defines Cultural relativism to not judging a culture to our own standards of what is right or wrong, strange or normal. Instead, we should try to understand cultural practices of other groups in its own cultural context.  GuangXIA refers to globalization as a “process by which humans and human creations move around the globe; in this process, people from different cultures are connected and interact with each other. Globalization so defined is not unfamiliar to humanity – it is part of human history even in premodern times, and it goes hand in hand with modernity.” Esikot(2012) says, “While, globalization seeks to assimilate cultures, relativism insists on the disparate commitments of cultures and the defense

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