Value-Sensitive Design

After reading, Value-Sensitive Design and Responsible Research and Innovation by Judith Simon, I was really overwhelmed. I caught myself having to pause and reread sentences or paragraphs. After letting it wash over me and rereading it for a second time, I feel a bit more comfortable with the topic. The idea of VSD is incredibly intriguing to me because it is research that addresses the values that technology has to offer. The last two to three blog posts have highlighted that negative aspects of technology so reading an article that highlights the values is quite refreshing.

Simon (2017) says, “Although the notion of value is far from clear. Even with the academic discourse, definitions and conceptualizations of “value” differ profoundly between and even within disciplines.” The quote, which can be found on page 221 resonates with me. I say this because, who is to say that what I value isn’t right or isn’t mainstream. The beautiful thing about this world is that we have the right to have different values and have the right to believe what we want.

Although, overtime some values you held as a child or an adult can change making things that had importance diminish, there isn’t a clear cut explanation of what you should value. Simon (2017) also states, “Thus, the notion of “values” in VSD normally refers not to economic valuation, but to societal values, that is, values as socially shared judgements about what and who is how important.”

Another aspect of this article that caught my attention is the responsibility in technology design. I do think this is an important aspect to consider when creating or designing something technology related because if we incorporate the positive values maybe the negatives will subside. Overall, this article highlighted the importance of both VSD and RRI and how both support one another.

*credit to WordClouds*


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