Solving Ethical Dilemmas

My first initial thoughts and impression of the content were "wow" this stuff is intense and there is a lot going on within this topic. Going into this weeks topic with no previous knowledge was a bit daunting. I guess I never really knew how much went into ethical principles, reasoning and decisioning making until reading this article. I took an intro to philosophy class my first year and to be honest, I learned more in this article than being in a semester long class. When thinking about the ethical principles, reasoning and decision making my mind automatically wanders to the implications or complications of certain dilemmas/conflicts. Case 1.3 Professional Duty vs. Rights is something that has my mind spinning. I have spent some time studying and looking into this topic and there are always going to be differences in opinions and different points of views it all boils down to finding a compromise.

"Globalization has led to the need for ethical decisions to be multicultural because decisions affecting one country or culture might have consequences contrary to the polices doctrines of another country" (Budinger, T & Budinger, M, 2006, p. 1).  This direct quote is taken from the first line in the second paragraph and it really resonates with me because I was always taught that my actions will be perceived by others and may positively/negatively impact how other views my core beliefs. For example, what we do today will have an effect all our tomorrows.

Problem 1.4:
These are the three I want to describe and discuss.
a: Ten Commandments - Virtue
The Ten Commandments can fall under the moral theory category of virtue because virtue simply is behavior showing high moral standards. The Ten Commandments were made so we can uphold these values outlined.
b: Right to life - Utilitarianism
Right to life, in my opinion best fit under the moral theory of Utilitarianism. To put it simply, you have the right of choice and decision when it comes to your life and what is best for you. It promotes actions that maximize happiness and well-being.
c: Declaration of Independence - Pluralism
The Declaration of Independence can fall into the theory of Pluralism because it is the view that politics and decision making are located mostly in the framework of government.

Looking at problem 1.2, NASA management failed to recognize the relevance of the engineering concerns for safety and suggestions for imaging  to inspect possible damage and failed to respond to the engineers request about the status of the crew inspection of the left wing. Now looking at problem 1.5, Mary is in a little dilemma. Her sibling is in renal failure due to diabetes and needs a kidney. She feels obligated to help but on the other-hand she is fearful that she might develop diabetes and need both of her kidneys. I think Mary should use the the 4 A's to evaluate this problem. Acquire the facts to get multiple perspectives, look for or find other alternatives, assess the consequences/benefits and then take action. Find what works and what doesn't work for the problem.


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