Thoughts on technology and ethics in society

When thinking about technology and ethics in society, I really don't know what to think. I have not had much experience learning about this topic as I would like so I am very excited to learn and to gain knowledge to help me in my future work.

What I do know is that I have been surrounded by technology from a very young age and has always been apart of my life and my upbringing. With that said, I know that there are a lot of benefits of technology but in turn, there are negatives. With the technology we have today, we can video chat with someone who is across the world, we unlimited access to the internet and you can send emails and texts in a split second. Technology is always evolving and there is always going to be something new coming out. 

In a majority of my education classes we have discussed the topic of use of technology in the classroom and as mentioned above there are a lot of benefits and negatives. I have first hand witnessed how iPad learning games can help a student read or do math problems but on the flip side, I have also witnessed how iPad time isn't used correctly and when it is time to put them away some kids throw tantrums. In addition, some students abuse the use of technology in classrooms which can lead to the issue of cyberbullying. As mentioned above, I am really excited to dig deeper into this topic and learn more. 


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