Technological Mediation & Power!

You were right when you said this reading was dense and there a was a lot that I didn’t understand or comprehend initially. In short and according to Verbeek, “technological mediation offers a framework to analyze the roles technologies play in human existence and in society. The central idea is that technologies, when they are used, help shape the relations between human begins and the world.”

A quote from the article that really resonated with me was, “Modern communication technologies, for instance, make it possible for human beings to interact with others outside of their immediate environments without necessarily approaching these people from a ‘will to power.’” As I mentioned in hypothesis, this statement is so true. Without some of the technology that we have today it would be impossible to communicate with different parts of the world. I know that I would hate not being able to communicate with my friends or family while they are traveling but the convenience of technology makes it all possible.

As we discussed last week, with technology there is always the chance or variable that it can be misused . The thing is, it is not the technology we should be worrying about, but the people creating and using these tools. The main theme or message I got from this reading and I like I mentioned in Hypothesis, power is always going to exist and there is always going to be a hierarchy. There is always going to be someone in power whether you like them or not they are the ones in charge. We often see and find that ones in charge often abuse it and do it for their own personal gain. An example I can so easily use is our very own President Donald Trump. His actions and the way he uses his power is not for the good, rather is it malicious.

*credit to wordcloud generator*


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